#010: The “Quaaludes in my Jello” Episode
Hosts Baratunde Thurston and Raquel Cepeda are joined by special guest Farai Chideya to talk about the defense of Bill Cosby and yet more deaths in police custody.
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During the recording of Episode 010, Tanner was away on a long overdue vacation in the Berkshires.
Farai Chideya
Farai Chideya is a reporter, political and cultural analyst, and educator. Over the years she has worked in print, television, radio, and digital media; covered every Presidential election since 1996; and traveled to 26 countries and 48 states to report, learn, and explore.
Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, she is a Distinguished Writer in Residence at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. A 1990 graduate of Harvard University, she was also a spring 2012 fellow at Harvard’s Institute of Politics. She frequently appears on public radio and cable television, speaking about race, politics, and culture.
Chideya is currently a columnist on citizen and consumer issues in the digital age for TheIntercept.com. She previously hosted NPR’s News and Notes; was a reporter for ABC News; a political analyst for CNN; a host for the Oxygen Network; and a reporter for Newsweek magazine. She and the teams she has worked with have won awards including a National Education Reporting Award, a North Star News Prize, and a special award from the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association for coverage of AIDS.
Follow Farai on Twitter, @farai
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Deaths in Police Custody
U.S. Department of Justice Releases Report on Deaths in Jails | Prison Legal News
There's an alarming number of deaths in US jails | The Guardian
At Least 5 Black Women Found Dead In Jail Since Mid-July | Think Progress
Sandra Bland Death And Jail Suicide: How Common Are 'Unnatural Deaths' In US Jails? | The International Business Times
What we know about the controversy in Sandra Bland's death | CNN
Native American activist found dead in jail just one day after Sandra Bland | Fusion.net
People who should be released from jail are dying there instead | Fusion.net
The Case Against Bill Cosby
How Bill Cosby’s image shielded him from claims of rape | The Guardian
A Timeline of the Abuse Charges Against Bill Cosby [Updated] | Vulture
Dr. Huxtable & Mr. Hyde - Articles | Philadelphia Magazine
This Is How We Lost to the White Man | The Atlantic
Bill Cosby's legal position gets worse (Opinion) | CNN
Bill Cosby Drugged Me. This Is My Story. | Vanity Fair
What Will It Take Some People to Believe the Cosby Accusers? | The Atlantic
I'm No Longer Afraid: 35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby, and the Culture That Wouldn't Listen | New York Magazine
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