#006: The "Muhammad and Mixed-Race Meritocracy" Episode
Hosts Baratunde Thurston, Tanner Colby, and special guest Anand Giridharadas discuss the backlash to Muhammed cartoon contests, mixed-race beauty standards, and the bamboo ceiling in college admissions.
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Anand Giridharadas at TED2015
During the Episode #006 taping, Raquel was away on assignment for the New York Times at Havasu Falls and the Havasupai Reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
Our guest host for this episode was Anand Giridharadas, columnist for the New York Times, and the author of, most recently, The True American: Winner of the 2015 New York Public Library's Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism. In March, Anand presented at TED2015. Follow him on Twitter at @AnandWrites
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On Everybody Draw Muhammad contests and Islamophobia
The "Everybody Draw Muhammad" Contest | The Harvard Political Review
Seattle cartoonist launches Everybody Draw Mohammed Day | My Northwest
Draw Muhammad Day: A Compilation | Patheos
Devout Muslim Twitter Account Tweets '#TexasAttack' Minutes Before Mohammad Art Contest Shooting | DC Clothesline
The Controversial Group Behind the Muhammad Cartoon Contest | Time
Muhammad cartoon contest: Note to jihadists, in America, we shoot back' | Fox News
What's Wrong With a Muhammad Cartoon Contest? | Bloomberg View
Facebook Kicks Off Winner Of 'Draw Muhammad' Contest | The Daily Caller
No Regrets For Organizer Of Muhammad Cartoon Contest | NPR
Why We're Having an Everybody Draw Mohammed Contest on Thursday May 20 | Reason
Anti-Muslim rally organizer says he's going into hiding | The New York Daily News
Here's What Happened at the Anti-Islam Protest and 'Draw Muhammad' Contest in Arizona' | Vice
#NotMyAmerica points out the hypocrisy of anti-Islamic protests | The Daily Dot
Anti-Muslim rally inspires good | CNN
Draw Muhammad Contest Rally Was A Huge Success | InfoWars
WATCH: Man Draws Muhammad, Then Shows What Will Happen To Attempted Beheaders | Western Journalism
Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest rally update: Organizer John Ritzheimer claims he's being hacked | ABC 15 Arizona
"Draw Muhammad" Organizer Blasts Critics In Bizarre, Shirtless Rant | Vocativ
Boston terror suspect reportedly targeted 'Draw Muhammad' activist for beheading | Fox News
Can we fuck our way to Utopia?: On beautiful Hafus and critical explorations of biracial Utopianism
Beware this new mixed-race love-in | The Guardian
More Marriages Cross Race, Ethnicity Lines | The Wall Street Journal
Biracial ladies, what are some of the issues you faced (if any) growing up that monoracial people don't? ' | reddit /r/AskWomen
The Fetishisation of Mixed Race Individuals/The exotic fallacy | mixedraceidentity.wordpress.com
The Problem With Racial Fetishization | Ravishly
Your Mixed-Race Utopia is My Nightmare | xoJane
6 things I wish people understood about being biracial | Vox
Not Your Post-Racial Future: Why Interracial Families Need to Talk About Race | armedpublishing.tumblr.com
This Mocha-Caramel-Honey Post-Racial Fantasy Is Making Me Sick | Buzzfeed
Why You Can Kiss My Mulatto Ass | Buzzfeed
Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan's Self-Image | The New York Times
Critical Mixed Race (@CMRSmixedrace) | Twitter
Multiracial Asian Families | multiasianfamilies.blogspot.com
Asians Challenge Affirmative-Action
New Affirmative Action Cases Say Policies Hurt Asian-Americans | NPR
Harvard under fire | The Economist
Asian-American Groups Seek Federal Investigation of Alleged Bias at Harvard ' | The Chronicle of Higher Education
Asian organizations ask Education Department to find Harvard discriminates in admissions' | Inside Higher Ed
A Positive Stereotype Both Helps and Harms Asian-American Students | The Chronicle of Higher Education
Yo, Check This Out: Recommendations
Our Man in Charleston by Christopher Dickey | PenguinRandomHouse.com (Out July 21, 2015)
TURN: Washington's Spies | AMC
#ProjectDiane Documentary | Kickstarter: An engaging documentary film exploring the intersection of race and gender in tech.
Russell Brand | Official Site
Esther Perel | TED.com
Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle | Macmillan Publishers